=== Visual Form Builder === Contributors: mmuro Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=G87A9UN9CLPH4&lc=US&item_name=Visual%20Form%20Builder¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_SM%2egif%3aNonHosted Tags: form, forms, contact form, form to email, email form, email, input, validation, jquery, shortcode Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 2.3.3 Build contact forms using a simple, clean interface. Forms include jQuery validation, a basic logic-based verification system, and entry tracking. == Description == *Visual Form Builder* is a plugin that allows you to build and manage all kinds of forms for your website in a single place. Building a fully functional form takes only a few minutes and you don't have to write one bit of PHP, CSS, or HTML! = Features = * Add fields with one click * Drag-and-drop reordering * Simple, yet effective, logic-based anti-SPAM system * Automatically stores form entries in your WordPress database * Manage form entries in the WordPress dashboard * Export entries to a CSV file * Send form submissions to multiple emails * jQuery Form Validation * Customized Confirmation Messages * Redirect to a WordPress Page or a URL * Confirmation Email Receipt to User * Standard Fields * Required Fields * Shortcode works on any Post or Page * Embed Multiple Forms on a Post/Page * One-click form duplication. Copy a form you've already built to save time * Use your own CSS (if you want) * Multiple field layout options. Arrange your fields in two, three, or a mixture of columns. = Field Types = * Fieldset * Section (group fields within a fieldset) * Text input (single line) * Textarea (multiple lines) * Checkbox * Radio (multiple choice) * Select dropdown * Address (street, city, state, zip, country) * Date (uses jQuery UI Date Picker) * Email * URL * Currency * Number * Time (12 or 24 hour format) * Phone (US and International formats) * HTML * File Upload * Instructions (plain or HTML-formatted text) = Entries = * Manage submitted entries in WordPress dashboard * Bulk Export to CSV * Bulk Delete * Advanced Filtering * Search across all entries * Collect submitted data as well as date submitted and IP Address = Customized Confirmation Messages = * Control what is displayed after a user submits a form * Display HTML-formatted text * Redirect to a WordPress Page * Redirect to a custom URL = Notification Emails = * Send a customized email to the user after a user submits a form * Additional HTML-formatted text to be included in the body of the email * Automatically include a copy of the user's entry = SPAM Protection = * Automatically included on every form * Uses a simple, yet effective, logic-based verification system * [WordPress Nonce](http://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Nonces) == Installation == 1. Upload `visual-form-builder` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Go to Settings > Visual Form Builder 1. Create and configure a form (for help, refer to the FAQ or the Help on the plugin page) 1. Copy the form shortcode from the Shortcode box on the plugin page 1. Create a new page and add the shortcode to the content. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I build my form? = 1. Click on the + tab, give your form a name and click Create Form. 1. Click the form fields from the box on the left to add it to your form. 1. Edit the information for each form field by clicking on the down arrow. 1. Drag and drop the elements to put them in order. 1. Click Save Form to save your changes. = What's the deal with the fieldsets? = Fieldsets, a way to group form fields, are an essential piece of this plugin's HTML. As such, at least one fieldset is required and must be first in the order. Subsequent fieldsets may be placed wherever you would like to start your next grouping of fields. = Can I use my own verification system such as a CAPTCHA? = At this time, there is no alternative to the built-in anti-spam system. = I'm not getting any emails! What's wrong? = Some people have reported that after the form is submitted, no email is received. If this is the case for you, it typically means that your server or web host has not properly configured their SMTP settings. Try using a plugin such as [WP Mail SMTP](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/) to correct the issue. = How do I customize the CSS? = If you want to customize the appearance of the forms using your own CSS, here's how to do it: 1. Add this code to your theme's `functions.php` file: `add_filter( 'visual-form-builder-css', '__return_false' );` 1. Copy everything from `css/visual-form-builder.css` into your theme's `style.css` 1. Change the CSS properties in your theme's `style.css` as needed If you want to customize the jQuery date picker CSS, follow these steps: 1. Add this code to your theme's `functions.php` file: `add_filter( 'vfb-date-picker-css', '__return_false' );` 1. Refer to the [jQuery UI Date Picker documentation on theming](http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#theming) = How do I change the Date Picker configuration? = The jQuery UI Date Picker is a complex and highly configurable plugin. By default, Visual Form Builder's date field will use the default options and configuration. To use the more complex features of the Date Picker plugin, [follow this tutorial](http://matthewmuro.com/2012/02/23/how-to-customize-the-date-picker/). = How do I translate the field validation text to my language? = The validation messages (ex: 'This field is required' or 'Please enter a valid email address') are generated by the jQuery Form Validation plugin. By default, these messages are in English. To translate them, you must create a JavaScript file that contains your translations and insert it into your theme. For instructions, [please go here](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/visual-form-builder-localization-problem?replies=8#post-2296212). = How do I export my entries to a CSV? = There are two ways to export your entries to a CSV: Export All or Export Selected. To Export All: 1. Go to the Entries screen 1. Select the `Export All` option under the `Bulk Actions` dropdown 1. Click Apply and save the file To Export Selected: 1. Go to the Entries screen 1. Check boxes next to the entries you wish to export 1. Select the `Export Selected` option under the `Bulk Actions` dropdown 1. Click Apply and save the file == Screenshots == 1. Visual Form Builder page 2. Configuring field item options 3. Entries management screen 4. Rendered form on a page == Changelog == **Version 2.3.3** * Fix bug for missing media button image **Version 2.3.2** * Fix bug that displayed a warning **Version 2.3.1** * Fix bug where Export feature was broken * Fix bug where server validation failed on certain data types * Add months drop down filter to Entries list **Version 2.3** * Add media button to Posts/Pages to easily embed forms (thanks to Paul Armstrong Designs!) * Add search feature to Entries * Add Default Value option to fields * Add Default Country option to Address block * Fix bug where Required option was not being set on File Upload fields * Fix bug where Form Name was not required on Add New page * Update and optimize Entries query * Update Security Check messages to be more verbose * Update email formatting to add line breaks * Update how the entries files are included to eliminate PHP notices * Minor updates to CSS **Version 2.2** * Add Label Alignment option * Add server side form validation; SPAM hardening * Add inline Field help tooltip popups * Add Spanish translation * Update Form Settings UI * Update File Upload field to place attachments in Media Library * Update Field Description to allow HTML tags * Update Field Name and CSS Classes to enforce a maxlength of 255 characters * Update jQueryUI version * Fix bug preventing form deletion **Version 2.1** * Add Accepts option to File Upload field * Add Small size to field options * Add Options Layout to Radio and Checkbox fields * Add Field Layout to field options * Add Bulgarian translation * Update jQuery in admin * Verification fields now customizable * Verification field now can be set to not required **Version 2.0** * Fix bug for misspelled languages folder * Fix bug for slashes appearing in email and admin * Fix bug for misaligned rows in CSV export * Update admin notices functionality * Update the way Addresses were handled during email * Add Hungarian translation **Version 1.9.2** * Bug fix for copied forms with nested fields **Version 1.9.1** * Bug fix for Sender Name, Email, and Notification Email overrides **Version 1.9** * Add ability for fields to be nested underneath Fieldsets and Sections * Add Section Form Item * Update adding/deleting fields to use AJAX * Update and improve admin tabs functionality * Update new form building to no longer force require email details * Update Delete Form link to require confirmation before deleting **Version 1.8** * Add Dynamic Add/Delete for Options for Radio, Select, and Checkbox fields * Add Dynamic Add/Delete for Email(s) To field * Add CSS Classes configuration option * Update Instructions field to allow for images * Submit button text value now customizable **Version 1.7** * Add Instructions Form Item * Add Duplicate Form feature * Add Sender Name and Sender Email customization fields to Notifications * Update CSS **Version 1.6** * Fix bug where multiple address blocks could not be used * Add internationalization support * Add auto-respond feature to separately notify your users after form submission * Update jQuery Validation to 1.8.1 **Version 1.5.1** * Fix bug where missing jQuery prevented multiple form fix from working **Version 1.5** * Fix bug where multiple forms on same page could not be submitted individually * Fix bug where Entries form filter did not work * Update admin CSS to use it's own file instead of one loaded form WordPress **Version 1.4** * Fix bug where database charset wasn't being set and causing character encoding issues * Fix date submitted to match local date and time settings * Fix Textarea CSS to respond to large size * Add File Upload and HTML Form Items * Add Entries Export feature * Update View Entries to full page view instead of jQuery show/hide quick view **Version 1.3.1** * Fix bug where new Confirmation screen was not being installed * Fix bug where escaped names and descriptions were not being stripped of slashes properly * Add missing sprite image for Form Items **Version 1.3** * Fix bug where jQuery validation was missing from security field * Update Form Items UI to make it easier and quicker to add fields * Add six more Form Items * Add Confirmation customization * Update CSS output for some elements **Version 1.2.1** * Fix bug where entries table does not install **Version 1.2** * Fix bug where reserved words may have been used * Fix bug where multiple open validation dropdowns could not be used in the builder * Add entries tracking and management feature * Improve form submission by removing wp_redirect * Add Sender Name and Email override **Version 1.1** * Fix bug that prevented all selected checkbox options from being submitted * Add more help text on contextual Help tab * Fix missing closing paragraph tag on success message **Version 1.0** * Plugin launch! == Upgrade Notice == = 2.3.3 = Fixed missing media button image = 2.3.2 = Fixed export entries feature and added a date filter to the entries list = 2.3.1 = Fixed export entries feature and added a date filter to the entries list = 2.3 = Added media button, Entries search and default values = 2.2 = Updated Form Settings UI. Additional SPAM hardening, new inline help tooltips, file uploads now added to Media Library, and a lot more! = 2.1 = Please note this version requires WordPress 3.3. Please update your WordPress install before upgrading to Visual Form Builder 2.1. = 2.0 = Bug fix misaligned rows in CSV export, misspelled languages folder, and slashes appearing in emails and admin. Other minor improvements. = 1.9.2 = Bug fix for copied form with nested fields. = 1.9.1 = Recommend update! Bug fix for Sender Name, Email, and Notification Email overrides. = 1.9 = Added Section Form Item, ability to nest fields under Fieldsets and Sections. Improve adding/deleting fields. = 1.8 = Submit button text now customizable (click Save Form to access). Added dynamic add/delete for Radio, Select, Checkboxes, and Email(s) To fields. = 1.7 = Added Instructions Form Item, Duplicate Form feature, and more customizations to the Notifications. = 1.6 = Added auto-responder feature, internationalization support, and fixed validation problems for IE users. = 1.5.1 = Fix bug where missing jQuery prevented multiple form fix from working. = 1.5 = Fix for submitting multiple forms on a single page. Other bug fixes and improvements. = 1.4 = Export entries to a CSV, file uploads, and various bug fixes. = 1.3.1 = Recommended update immediately! Fix for bug where confirmation screen does not install. = 1.3 = New, faster way to add form items and ability to customize Confirmation. Fix for validation on security field. = 1.2.1 = Recommended update immediately! Fix for bug where entries table does not install.